When a standard enclosure isn’t exactly what you need, Hammond can modify our designs for your ideal enclosure solution.
Should you need some assistance specifying your enclosure, our experienced sales and design professionals will share their expertise to help determine which enclosure would best fit your needs along with the modification options available to you.
Here is a list of some of the common modifications we can do for you:
- Special Paint Colors
- Silk Screening
- Non-Standard Sizes
- Alternate Material Construction
- Cutouts
- Punched Holes
- Louvers
- Tapped Holes
- Pre-Installed Accessories
- Alternate Handles
- Add, Move or Delete Studs
- Hinge Changes
- and more...

Why have Hammond modify your enclosure?
There are two basic reasons - quality and cost.
- Hammond is a name trusted for enclosure quality for many years.
- Our highly accurate laser work centers and CNC punches can guarantee the exact location and dimensions of your holes and cutouts.
- Our ultra-durable powder paint can be color matched to your specifications ensuring a factory quality paint finish every time.
- All enclosures needing holes and cutouts are manufactured from scratch prior to being painted - not by pulling a standard enclosure off the shelf and milling it. Our process ensures all edges around the cutout have factory quality, powder paint coverage.
Consider the true costs of modifying enclosures at your factory or at a job site - you’ll see the value in getting an enclosure from Hammond that’s ready to load up.
- Prep time
- Layout
- Drilling
- Tapping
- Cutting
- Paint touch up
- Installing Accessories
- Product Handling
Download our Modifications Flyer!
For any inquiries regarding modified electrical enclosures, contact your local Hammond distributor/representative or email us here.