Swing Panel PCJSP Series

PCJ Series Accessory


  • For use with PCJ series enclosures
  • Hinged aluminum panel installed on corner sliders allowing adjustable depth setting
  • Can be installed hinged either right or left swing
  • Field installed with no drilling required
  • Mounting hardware included
  • Material thickness 0.09"

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HFPP Kit Enclosure Base Quantity Price Buy Now
Part No. Part No. A B C D E
PCJHFPP66 PCJ664 5.44 5.61 2.64 3.13 4.19 9$35.571Buy Now
PCJHFPP86 PCJ864 7.44 5.61 4.64 3.13 6.19 1$39.150Buy Now
PCJHFPP88 PCJ884 7.44 7.63 4.64 5.38 6.19 5Buy Now
PCJHFPP108 PCJ1084 9.43 7.69 6.63 5.38 8.18 17$51.146Buy Now
PCJHFPP1210 PCJ12106 11.55 9.58 8.63 7.33 10.13 14$55.676Buy Now
PCJHFPP1412 PCJ14126 13.10 11.25 10.61 9.00 11.75 4$71.274Buy Now
PCJHFPP1614 PCJ16148 14.75 12.88 12.33 12.88 13.44 10Buy Now
PCJHFPP1816 PCJ181610 16.88 14.88 14.19 14.88 15.44 3Buy Now

Replacement Hardware

Part Number Description Quantity Price Buy Now
PCJCB4 Corner block set of 4 (for 14"H enclosures and smaller)
PCJCB4L Corner block set of 4 (for 16" & 18"H enclosures)    
PCJHFH Hinge and screws set of 2 7$34.721Buy Now

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Tags: swing panel, PCJ, adjustable depth, hinged panel