Type 4, 4X Polycarbonate Pushbutton Enclosure 1554 PB Series


  • IP66
  • NEMA 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12 & 13
    • 6 pushbutton enclosures do not meet Type 6/6P
  • UL94 5VA


  • Electronic instrument enclosures, designed for mounting printed circuit boards or DIN rail mounted components.
  • The polycarbonate material carries a UL flammability rating of UL94 5VA and is suitable for outdoor use.
  • Lid and mounting holes are located outside of the gasket seal.
  • Lid is secured with self captivating M4 stainless steel machine screws (included), threaded into integral stainless steel bushings (for repetitive assembly & disassembly).
  • Heavy duty 16 gauge galvanized steel panels available (see chart)
  • All stainless steel hardware to avoid corrosion caused by dissimilar metals.
  • Gasket is a preformed, high temperature U.L. listed silicone rubber. Gasket is replaceable.
  • Gasketed lid with two piece “tongue & groove” construction provides protection against access of oil, dust and water.
  • Internal DIN rail mounting tabs.
  • Threaded (M3) integral brass inserts & standoffs designed for M3.5 or #6 self tapping screws for P.C. board or inner panel mounting in all but the smallest size.
  • Vertical P.C. card guides (for 1.5 mm thick P.C. boards) are molded in all but the smallest size


  • Color is light gray (RAL 7035)


  • Optional Inner Panel
    • Heavy duty panels for mounting components
    • Galvanized 16 ga. steel.
    • Includes mounting hardware.
  • Optional Mounting Feet

Gallery Image

22 mm Hole 30.5 mm Hole # of Enclosure Optional Inner Panel 30.5mm Part# 22mm Part# Opt. Inner Panel Part#
Part No. Part No. Holes H W D (w/lid) Part No. H W Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now
1554MPB1 1554PB1 1 3.54 3.54 2.36 1554EPL 3.10 3.10 53$46.749Buy Now243$46.745Buy Now223$10.591Buy Now
1554MPB1A 1554PB1A 1 3.54 3.54 3.54 1554EPL 3.10 3.10 538$39.370Buy Now265$39.370Buy Now223$10.591Buy Now
1554MPB2 1554PB2 2 6.30 3.54 2.38 1554JPL 5.80 3.00 426$56.482Buy Now101$56.487Buy Now790$11.664Buy Now
1554MPB2D 1554PB2D 2 6.30 3.54 3.56 1554JPL 5.80 3.00 260Buy Now116Buy Now790$11.664Buy Now
1554MPB3 1554PB3 3 7.87 4.72 3.56 1554UPL 7.60 4.20 209$69.622Buy Now80$69.625Buy Now754$13.675Buy Now
1554MPB4 1554PB4 4 7.87 4.72 3.56 1554UPL 7.60 4.20 236$73.196Buy Now34$73.201Buy Now754$13.675Buy Now
1554MPB6 1554PB6 6 9.45 6.30 3.54 1554VPL 9.10 5.70 28$92.845Buy Now19$99.835Buy Now260$17.518Buy Now
1554MPB6A 1554PB6A 6 9.45 6.30 3.54 1554VAPL 8.93 5.73 32$80.323Buy Now15$80.323Buy Now372$13.079Buy Now
1554MPB6B 1554PB6B 6 9.45 6.30 4.72 1554VAPL 8.93 5.73 160$85.689Buy Now13$85.689Buy Now372$13.079Buy Now
1554PB8 8 11.81 7.87 3.54 1554XPL 11.22 7.28 8Buy Now317Buy Now
1554PB8A 8 11.81 7.87 4.72 1554XPL 11.22 7.28 15Buy Now317Buy Now
1554PB12 12 11.81 9.45 3.74 1554YPL 11.22 8.86 7Buy Now203Buy Now
1554PB12A 12 11.81 9.45 4.72 1554YPL 11.22 8.86 10Buy Now203Buy Now
1554MPB15 15 11.81 7.87 3.54 1554XPL 11.22 7.28 19Buy Now317Buy Now
1554MPB15A 15 11.81 7.87 4.72 1554XPL 11.22 7.28 18Buy Now317Buy Now
1554MPB20 20 11.81 9.45 3.74 1554YPL 11.22 8.86 17Buy Now203Buy Now
1554MPB20A 20 11.81 9.45 4.72 1554YPL 11.22 8.86 19Buy Now203Buy Now

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Tags: pushbutton, non-metallic, polycarbonate, Type 4X, Type 6P, IP66, PCB,