Type 12 Lay-In Wireway 1485 Series

Wireway & Accessories


  • Designed to enclose and protect electrical wiring from dirt, dust, oil and water.
  • All sections and fittings are completely open on each side to allow wires and cables to be placed into the wireway without "pulling through".


  • UL 870 Type 1 (unless marked¹)
  • CSA Type 1 (unless marked¹)
  • Complies with
    • NEMA Type 12
    • IEC 60529, IP54


  • Bodies and covers are formed from 14-gauge steel with 10 gauge steel flanges.
  • Flanges are open at the top to allow cables to lay in when doors open.
  • 12” x 6” size has a 12 gauge steel body with a 14-gauge cover.
  • Smooth continuously welded seams.
  • Interior surfaces are smooth to prevent wire damage during 
  • Butt hinged cover is secured with easily operated quick release clamps.
  • Oil resistant gaskets are permanently secured.
  • Solid oil resistant gaskets are used between flanges when sections and fittings are bolted together.
  • One gasket kit, complete with hardware is provided with each straight section or fitting.
  • Sealing plate is supplied.
  • Flange junctions are sealed with gasket sealing plates, which are put in place after wiring is completed. One is supplied with all straight sections and most fittings; see table for exact number.


  • Sections and components are finished in ANSI 61 gray powder coating.


  • When joining a wireway section or fitting to an enclosure be sure to order a box connector.
  • When joining two wireway sections, or joining a wireway section to a fitting, a flat sealing plate is required at each junction; necessary kits are supplied with each section and fitting. See table, extra kits may be ordered if necessary.
  • When joining a lay-in wireway section or fitting to a closure plate, a box connector, or cut-off fitting, an angle sealing plate is required at each junction.
  • Necessary kits are supplied with each section and fitting - see table. Extra kits, although not normally required, are necessary when joining lay-in wireway to a non-lay-in section or fitting section.


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Sealing Plates 2.5 x 2.5 4 x 4 6 x 6 8 x 8 12 x 6 2.5 x 2.5 Part# 4 x 4 Part# 6 x 6 Part# 8 x 8 Part# 12 x 6 Part#
Description Supplied Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now
6" Section 1 Flat 1485B6 1485C6 1485D6 1485E6 1485F6 65$109.838Buy Now17$132.184Buy Now5$162.257Buy Now25$248.006Buy Now3$261.035Buy Now
12" Section 1 Flat 1485B12 1485C12 1485D12 1485E12 1485F12 67$128.472Buy Now9$153.773Buy Now36$196.193Buy Now17$291.486Buy Now7$328.604Buy Now
24" Section 1 Flat 1485B24 1485C24 1485D24 1485E24 1485F24 19$165.893Buy Now79$196.647Buy Now59$263.762Buy Now1$378.599Buy Now5$464.348Buy Now
36" Section 1 Flat 1485B36 1485C36 1485D36 1485E36 1485F36 33$204.071Buy Now51$239.067Buy Now4$330.725Buy Now4$465.863Buy Now9$599.789Buy Now
48" Section 1 Flat 1485B48 1485C48 1485D48 1485E48 1485F48 22$241.188Buy Now29$281.487Buy Now15$397.688Buy Now25$552.521Buy Now6$735.230Buy Now
60" Section 1 Flat 1485B60 1485C60 1485D60 1485E60 1485F60 47$278.306Buy Now81$324.210Buy Now2$465.560Buy Now2$639.936Buy Now10$870.974Buy Now
120" Section 1 Flat 1485B120 1485C120 1485D120 1485E120 1485F120 9$464.348Buy Now106$535.401Buy Now42$801.132Buy Now50$1,077.468Buy Now12$1,554.390Buy Now
60" Long Partition (Barrier) - - 1487CB60¹ 1487DB60¹ 1487EB60¹ 1487DB60¹ 24$64.615Buy Now61$79.177Buy Now28$107.023Buy Now61$79.177Buy Now
1" Nipple 1 Flat 1485BM1 1485CM1 1485DM1 - - 7$92.036Buy Now38$117.352Buy Now3$138.259Buy Now
2" Nipple 1 Flat 1485BM2 1485CM2 1485DM2 - - 9$100.035Buy Now29$127.805Buy Now11$150.440Buy Now
3" Nipple 1 Flat 1485BM3 1485CM3 1485DM3 - - 19$108.126Buy Now6$138.259Buy Now2$162.560Buy Now
Box Entry Swivel Nipple 1 Angle 1485BV1 1485CV1 1485DV1 1485EV1 - 1$149.288Buy Now13$187.254Buy Now1$234.219Buy Now3$341.784Buy Now
Standard Swivel Nipple 2 Angle 1485BV2 1485CV2 1485DV2 1485EV2 - 10$149.288Buy Now5$187.254Buy Now1$234.219Buy Now1$341.784Buy Now
12" Transposition Clockwise 1 Flat 1485BZ12 1485CZ12 1485DZ12 1485EZ12 - 27$204.828Buy Now7$261.338Buy Now1$308.757Buy Now3$553.647Buy Now
12" Transposition Counter-Clockwise 1 Flat 1485BZC12 1485CZC12 1485DZC12 1485EZC12 - 1$204.828Buy Now2$261.338Buy Now1$308.757Buy Now4$553.647Buy Now
Flexible Fitting None 1485BFF 1485CFF 1485DFF 1485EFF - 27$264.065Buy Now18$297.243Buy Now59$376.326Buy Now1$518.282Buy Now
Adjustable Fitting 1 Spec. 1485BX¹ 1485CX¹ 1485DX¹ 1485EX¹ 1485FX¹ 10$180.891Buy Now4$224.220Buy Now18$254.217Buy Now1$367.994Buy Now4$489.345Buy Now
Cut-Off Fitting Lay-In 1 Flat 1485BW1¹ 1485CW1¹ 1485DW1¹ 1485EW1¹ 1485FW1¹ 1$193.769Buy Now6$218.312Buy Now3$251.642Buy Now14$329.058Buy Now4$457.682Buy Now
Cut-Off Fitting Non Lay-In 1 Angle 1485BW2¹ 1485CW2¹ 1485DW2¹ 1485EW2¹ 1485FW2¹ 9$102.899Buy Now5$121.821Buy Now3$153.773Buy Now6$226.038Buy Now2$262.550Buy Now
90° Elbow, Top Opening 1 Flat 1485B9N 1485C9N 1485D9N 1485E9N 1485F9N 48$204.071Buy Now64$259.368Buy Now33$308.151Buy Now20$418.898Buy Now9$460.712Buy Now
90° Elbow, Inside Opening 1 Flat 1485B9P 1485C9P 1485D9P 1485E9P 1485F9P 29$204.071Buy Now10$259.368Buy Now8$308.151Buy Now11$418.898Buy Now1$460.712Buy Now
90° Elbow, Outside Opening 1 Flat 1485B9Q 1485C9Q 1485D9Q 1485E9Q 1485F9Q 15$204.071Buy Now40$259.368Buy Now9$308.151Buy Now18$418.898Buy Now5$460.712Buy Now
45° Elbow, Top Opening 1 Flat 1485B4N 1485C4N 1485D4N 1485E4N 1485F4N 27$204.071Buy Now6$259.368Buy Now2$308.151Buy Now5$418.898Buy Now5$460.712Buy Now
45° Elbow, Inside Opening 1 Flat 1485B4P 1485C4P 1485D4P 1485E4P - 26$204.071Buy Now6$259.368Buy Now3$308.151Buy Now22$418.898Buy Now
45° Elbow, Outside Opening 1 Flat 1485B4Q 1485C4Q 1485D4Q 1485E4Q - 30$204.071Buy Now1$259.368Buy Now2$308.151Buy Now7$418.898Buy Now
Tee Fitting, Top Opening 2 Flat 1485BTN 1485CTN 1485DTN 1485ETN 1485FTN 9$242.097Buy Now11$313.908Buy Now2$376.932Buy Now11$451.319Buy Now3$508.283Buy Now
Tee Fitting, Outside & Top Opening 2 Flat 1485BTQ 1485CTQ 1485DTQ 1485ETQ - 5$278.457Buy Now1$360.570Buy Now21$432.381Buy Now5$519.039Buy Now
Cross Fitting 3 Flat 1485BY 1485CY 1485DY 1485EY 1485FY 4$334.058Buy Now4$422.231Buy Now5$506.162Buy Now4$653.117Buy Now37$660.389Buy Now
Reducer 4 x 4 to 2.5 x 2.5 None - 1485CRE - - - 27$158.469Buy Now
Reducer 6 x 6 to 4 x 4 None - - 1485DRE - - 27$196.647Buy Now
Reducer 8 x 8 to 6 x 6 None - - - 1485ERE - 7$245.582Buy Now
Reducer 12 x 6 to 4 x 4 None - - - - 1485FREC    
Reducer 12 x 6 to 6 x 6 None - - - - 1485FRED 5$296.637Buy Now
Junction Box 1 Flat 1485BJ 1485CJ 1485DJ 1485EJ - 5$303.303Buy Now7$353.753Buy Now18$431.321Buy Now1$525.554Buy Now
Box Connector 1 Angle 1485BK¹ 1485CK¹ 1485DK¹ 1485EK¹ 1485FK¹ 46$42.102Buy Now57$52.525Buy Now32$63.054Buy Now17$84.052Buy Now6$167.862Buy Now
Drop Hanger None 1485BL1¹ 1485CL1¹ 1485DL1¹ 1485EL1¹ - 19$28.634Buy Now27$36.784Buy Now39$50.010Buy Now16$100.323Buy Now
Bracket Hanger None 1485BL2¹ 1485CL2¹ 1485DL2¹ 1485EL2¹ - 115$19.574Buy Now79$24.982Buy Now98$34.784Buy Now5$91.052Buy Now
Cover Plate 1 Angle 1485BH² 1485CH² 1485DH² 1485EH² 1485FH² 125$38.133Buy Now121$47.859Buy Now37$57.419Buy Now24$76.356Buy Now21$84.052Buy Now
Snap On Flat Sealing Plate None 1485BSM² 1485CSM² 1485DSM² 1485ESM² 1485FSM² 15$18.089Buy Now148$21.240Buy Now39$27.709Buy Now21$36.178Buy Now17$45.117Buy Now
Angle Sealing Plate None 1485BS9² 1485CS9² 1485DS9² 1485ES9² 1485FS9² 12$22.892Buy Now147$26.513Buy Now94$32.618Buy Now12$42.147Buy Now6$53.722Buy Now

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Tags: wireway, lay-in, steel, Type 12, NEMA 12, section, junction, nipple, elbow, reducer