ABS Plastic Miniature Hand Held Enclosures 1551 Series

General Purpose, Mounting Flanges, Key Rings

Key Features:

  • Ideally suited for mounting small printed circuit boards or for use as potting boxes.
  • Molded in choice of black, grey, or translucent blue general purpose ABS plastic.
  • All sizes also available with an integrated flange. Flanged sizes available in black or grey only.
  • Two or four self-tapping screws included, depending on size.
  • Screws are color matched to enclosure (nickel plated screws with grey enclosures and black plated with black and blue enclosures).
  • Two or four PC board standoffs molded into interior, depending on size.
  • Lap joint construction provides protection against access of dust and splashing water.
  • Designed to meet IP54.
  • Some sizes are available with a keyring kit.
  • Models with key ring kit are predrilled in the narrow side.
  • For even smaller enclosures, try our 1551MINI series.


  • Walls are 2mm (0.08") thick.
  • Self-tapping lid screws are #4 x 1/2". For replacements, see part number 1591TS100 (nickel plated, pack of 100) or 1591TS100BK (black, pack of 100).
  • To secure PC boards, use self-tapping #2 x 3/16" screws. Not included with enclosures. See part number 1551ATS100 (nickel plated, pack of 100).

Photo Features:

Available colors include black, gray, or translucent blue.

All models have PC board mounting bosses in the box.

Three sizes are available with integrated key ring.  Key ring also sold separately (part number 1427KR).

All sizes are available with flanges molded into the lid, perfect for wallmounting or suspending with a tie wrap. Black and grey ABS only.

Standard Enclosures

Part Number Part Number Part Number Depth (mm) Black Part# Gray Part# Translucent Blue
Black Gray Translucent Blue Length (mm) Width (mm) (Including Lid) Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now
1551NBK 1551NGY 1551NTBU 35 35 15 3098$2.465Buy Now4278$2.465Buy Now1440$2.465Buy Now
1551MBK 1551MGY 1551MTBU 35 35 20 1690$2.536Buy Now1192$2.536Buy Now1637$2.536Buy Now
1551QBK 1551QGY 1551QTBU 40 40 15 2663$2.606Buy Now4117$2.606Buy Now1582$2.606Buy Now
1551PBK 1551PGY 1551PTBU 40 40 20 1421$2.677Buy Now3086$2.677Buy Now1163$2.677Buy Now
1551FBK 1551FGY 1551FTBU 50 35 15 1624$2.747Buy Now455$2.747Buy Now842$2.747Buy Now
1551GBK 1551GGY 1551GTBU 50 35 20 2830$2.818Buy Now3600$2.818Buy Now1078$2.818Buy Now
1551SBK 1551SGY 1551STBU 50 50 15 5088$2.888Buy Now682$2.888Buy Now595$2.888Buy Now
1551RBK 1551RGY 1551RTBU 50 50 20 3865$2.958Buy Now497$2.958Buy Now649$2.958Buy Now
1551JBK 1551JGY 1551JTBU 60 35 15 777$3.029Buy Now536$3.029Buy Now747$3.029Buy Now
1551HBK 1551HGY 1551HTBU 60 35 20 3472$3.099Buy Now1276$3.099Buy Now852$3.099Buy Now
1551TTBK 1551TTGY 1551TTTBU 60 60 15 997Buy Now1080Buy Now1132Buy Now
1551TBK 1551TGY 1551TTBU 60 60 20 246Buy Now1050Buy Now751Buy Now
1551LBK 1551LGY 1551LTBU 80 40 15 920$3.170Buy Now696$3.170Buy Now1190$3.170Buy Now
1551KBK 1551KGY 1551KTBU 80 40 20 6808$3.240Buy Now2946$3.240Buy Now1427$3.240Buy Now
1551XXBK 1551XXGY 1551XXTBU 80 80 15 1067Buy Now341Buy Now805Buy Now
1551XBK 1551XGY 1551XTBU 80 80 20 704Buy Now1013Buy Now475Buy Now
1551UUBK 1551UUGY 1551UUTBU 100 40 15 471Buy Now306Buy Now366Buy Now
1551UBK 1551UGY 1551UTBU 100 40 20 324Buy Now951Buy Now315Buy Now

Enclosures with Mounting Flanges

Part Number Part Number Length (mm) Depth (mm) Black Part# Gray Part#
Black Gray (Not Including Flange) Width (mm) (Including Lid) Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now
1551NFLBK 1551NFLGY 35 35 15 2374$2.465Buy Now1097$2.465Buy Now
1551MFLBK 1551MFLGY 35 35 20 4015$2.536Buy Now1017$2.536Buy Now
1551QFLBK 1551QFLGY 40 40 15 1099$2.606Buy Now1013$2.606Buy Now
1551PFLBK 1551PFLGY 40 40 20 2777$2.677Buy Now4455$2.677Buy Now
1551FFLBK 1551FFLGY 50 35 15 1253$2.747Buy Now617$2.747Buy Now
1551GFLBK 1551GFLGY 50 35 20 6092$2.818Buy Now648$2.818Buy Now
1551SFLBK 1551SFLGY 50 50 15 1529$2.888Buy Now1379$2.888Buy Now
1551RFLBK 1551RFLGY 50 50 20 4428$2.958Buy Now1513$2.958Buy Now
1551JFLBK 1551JFLGY 60 35 15 572$3.029Buy Now671$3.029Buy Now
1551HFLBK 1551HFLGY 60 35 20 2238$3.099Buy Now2757$3.099Buy Now
1551TTFLBK 1551TTFLGY 60 60 15 657Buy Now1142Buy Now
1551TFLBK 1551TFLGY 60 60 20 1110Buy Now694Buy Now
1551LFLBK 1551LFLGY 80 40 15 959$3.170Buy Now646$3.170Buy Now
1551KFLBK 1551KFLGY 80 40 20 8553$3.240Buy Now2101$3.240Buy Now
1551XXFLBK 1551XXFLGY 80 80 15 1132Buy Now1249Buy Now
1551XFLBK 1551XFLGY 80 80 20 1082Buy Now308Buy Now
1551UUFLBK 1551UUFLGY 100 40 15 1705Buy Now337Buy Now
1551UFLBK 1551UFLGY 100 40 20 574Buy Now675Buy Now

Enclosures With Key Rings

Part Number Part Number Depth (mm) Black Part# Gray Part#
Black Gray Length (mm) Width (mm) (Including Lid) Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now
1551GRBK 1551GRGY 50 35 20 231$3.557Buy Now344$3.557Buy Now
1551HRBK 1551HRGY 60 35 20 303$3.663Buy Now280$3.663Buy Now
1551KRBK 1551KRGY 80 40 20 424$3.839Buy Now59$3.839Buy Now

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Tags: plastic, miniature, board, flanged, PCB, potting