Type 4X, 6P Polycarbonate & General Purpose ABS Enclosures 1554 Series

Screw Cover, Watertight, Flat Lid, UL Listed Options

Key Features:

  • Ideally suited for mounting printed circuit boards or DIN rail mounted components.
  • Enclosure color is a light gray (RAL 7035).
  • Gasketed lid with two piece tongue and groove construction provides protection against access of oil, dust, and water.
  • Replaceable gasket is one piece made from high temperature UL listed silicone.  Supplied loose inside the enclosure (not pre-installed).
    • Lid is secured with included M4 stainless steel machine screws which are threaded into corrosion resistant bushings for repetitive assembly and disassembly. All hardware is designed to avoid corrosion caused by harsh environments over time. 
    • Lid screws are self-captivating. Lid holes are threaded with the first installation of lid screws.
    • Internal features are maximized for mounting options and vary with size:
      • Internal DIN rail mounting tabs molded into most models, except sizes “C” and “D”.
      • Threaded (M3) integral brass inserts and/or standoffs (#6 self-tapping screws) for PC board or inner panel mounting in all but the smallest sizes ("A" and “B”). 
      • Vertical PC card guides (for 1.5mm thick PC boards) are molded in all but the smallest sizes ("A" and “B”).


    • ABS versions are molded from general purpose material which carries a flammability rating of UL94-HB.  For indoor use.
    • ABS versions are not UL listed but have been tested to and meet IP66 ratings.
    • Recommended operating temperature: -20°C to +60°C (-4°F to +140°F).
    • Polycarbonate versions are UV stabilized for outdoor use.  Solid gray polycarb carries a UL94-5VA rating, while clear and smoked lids carry a UL94V-0 rating.
    • Polycarbonate versions are cUL and UL 508A listed under file #E65324. 
    • Polycarbonate versions have been independently tested to meet IP66, IP67, and IP68 as well as NEMA Type 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12 and 13 ratings.
      • Exception: 1554VGY, 1554V2GY, 1554V2GYCL, and 1554V2GYSL are Type 4, 4X only.
    • Recommended operating temperature: -40°C to +110°C (-40°F to +230°F).
      • Customers should conduct their own testing to determine suitability for any specific application.

    Photo Features:

    Polycarbonate versions available with gray, clear, or smoked lid.  ABS version available only in gray.



    Wall-mounting holes are located outside of the gasket channel

    Same wall mounting holes can be used to install an accessory foot kit, 1554FT

    Internal mounting posts can be used to mount accessory inner panels, PC boards, or DIN rails (inner panel shown)


    Enclosure Part Numbers

    ABS (not UL) Polycarbonate (UL Listed) Qty Lid Replacement Replacement ABS Gray Lid Polycarbonate (UL Listed) Gray Lid Polycarbonate (UL Listed) Clear Lid Polycarbonate (UL Listed) Smoked Lid Inner Panel Foot Kit Replacement Gasket Replacement Screws (50-pk)
    Gray Lid Gray Lid Clear Lid Smoked Lid Screws Length (mm) Width (mm) Total Height (mm) Inner Panel Foot Kit Gasket Screws (50-pk) Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now Quantity Price Buy Now
    1554AGY 1554A2GY 1554A2GYCL 1554A2GYSL 2 52 50 40 1554APL - 1554AGASKET SC576-50 669Buy Now650Buy Now652Buy Now482Buy Now38Buy Now7Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554BGY 1554B2GY 1554B2GYCL 1554B2GYSL 4 65 65 40.5 1554BPL 1554FT 1554BGASKET SC576-50 516$14.300Buy Now541$16.177Buy Now208$17.637Buy Now111$17.637Buy Now42$8.536Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now11$3.261Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554EGY 1554E2GY 1554E2GYCL 1554E2GYSL 4 90 90 60.5 1554EPL 1554FT 1554EGASKET SC576-50 18$17.742Buy Now50$24.936Buy Now101$30.287Buy Now1962$30.287Buy Now223$10.591Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now5$4.404Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554EEGY 1554EE2GY 1554EE2GYCL 1554EE2GYSL 4 90 90 90.5 1554EPL 1554FT 1554EGASKET SC576-50 314$20.202Buy Now501$28.412Buy Now149$26.570Buy Now156$26.570Buy Now223$10.591Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now5$4.404Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554LGY 1554L2GY 1554L2GYCL 1554L2GYSL 4 105 105 60 1554LPL 1554FT 1554LGASKET SC576-50 71Buy Now36Buy Now142Buy Now136Buy Now   6292$11.435Buy Now14Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554LAGY 1554LA2GY 1554LA2GYCL 1554LA2GYSL 4 105 105 90 1554LPL 1554FT 1554LGASKET SC576-50 203Buy Now86Buy Now47Buy Now221Buy Now   6292$11.435Buy Now14Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554CGY 1554C2GY 1554C2GYCL 1554C2GYSL 4 120 65 40.5 1554CPL 1554FT 1554CGASKET SC576-50 993$15.731Buy Now620$22.702Buy Now1432$24.468Buy Now86$24.468Buy Now74$9.921Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now9$2.824Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554DGY 1554D2GY 1554D2GYCL 1554D2GYSL 4 120 65 60.5 1554CPL 1554FT 1554CGASKET SC576-50 2918$15.954Buy Now5$24.490Buy Now377$26.339Buy Now108$26.339Buy Now74$9.921Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now9$2.824Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554FGY 1554F2GY 1554F2GYCL 1554F2GYSL 4 120 90 60.5 1554FPL 1554FT 1554FGASKET SC576-50 696$21.585Buy Now1949$28.288Buy Now351$30.596Buy Now460$30.596Buy Now92$10.547Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now10$2.992Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554GGY 1554G2GY 1554G2GYCL 1554G2GYSL 4 120 90 80.5 1554FPL 1554FT 1554FGASKET SC576-50 477$22.255Buy Now49$33.025Buy Now417$34.573Buy Now135$34.573Buy Now92$10.547Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now10$2.992Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554NGY 1554N2GY 1554N2GYCL 1554N2GYSL 4 120 120 60.5 1554NPL 1554FT 1554NGASKET SC576-50 320$26.947Buy Now45$31.640Buy Now27$39.017Buy Now1555$39.017Buy Now276$11.396Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now69$5.278Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554PGY 1554P2GY 1554P2GYCL 1554P2GYSL 4 120 120 80 1554NPL 1554FT 1554NGASKET SC576-50 1006$28.780Buy Now109$40.444Buy Now271$42.339Buy Now111$42.339Buy Now276$11.396Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now69$5.278Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554QGY 1554Q2GY 1554Q2GYCL 1554Q2GYSL 4 140 140 60 1554QPL 1554FT 1554QGASKET SC576-50 150Buy Now105Buy Now153Buy Now6Buy Now190Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now12Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554QAGY 1554QA2GY 1554QA2GYCL 1554QA2GYSL 4 140 140 90 1554QPL 1554FT 1554QGASKET SC576-50 4Buy Now3Buy Now73Buy Now236Buy Now190Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now12Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554JLGY 1554JL2GY 1554JL2GYCL 1554JL2GYSL 4 160 90 45.5 1554JPL 1554FT 1554JGASKET SC576-50 128Buy Now139Buy Now644Buy Now251Buy Now790$11.664Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now13$3.933Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554JGY 1554J2GY 1554J2GYCL 1554J2GYSL 4 160 90 60.5 1554JPL 1554FT 1554JGASKET SC576-50 647$26.054Buy Now1938$34.142Buy Now662$36.444Buy Now169$36.444Buy Now790$11.664Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now13$3.933Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554KGY 1554K2GY 1554K2GYCL 1554K2GYSL 4 160 90 90.5 1554JPL 1554FT 1554JGASKET SC576-50 582$28.780Buy Now274$36.600Buy Now160$39.017Buy Now141$39.017Buy Now790$11.664Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now13$3.933Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554RGY 1554R2GY 1554R2GYCL 1554R2GYSL 4 160 160 60.5 1554RPL 1554FT 1554RGASKET SC576-50 1182$39.103Buy Now349$51.884Buy Now322$54.315Buy Now2952$54.315Buy Now333$14.569Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now10$6.219Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554SGY 1554S2GY 1554S2GYCL 1554S2GYSL 4 160 160 90.5 1554RPL 1554FT 1554RGASKET SC576-50 535$41.784Buy Now2540$47.281Buy Now297$58.339Buy Now138$58.339Buy Now333$14.569Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now10$6.219Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554HLGY 1554HL2GY 1554HL2GYCL 1554HL2GYSL 4 180 120 45.5 1554HPL 1554FT 1554HGASKET SC576-50 263Buy Now375Buy Now365Buy Now395Buy Now636$12.960Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now10$7.261Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554HGY 1554H2GY 1554H2GYCL 1554H2GYSL 4 180 120 60.5 1554HPL 1554FT 1554HGASKET SC576-50 112$29.673Buy Now732$39.773Buy Now1141$38.830Buy Now247$38.830Buy Now636$12.960Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now10$7.261Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554TGY 1554T2GY 1554T2GYCL 1554T2GYSL 4 180 120 90.5 1554HPL 1554FT 1554HGASKET SC576-50 273$29.942Buy Now899$43.125Buy Now893$45.146Buy Now121$45.146Buy Now636$12.960Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now10$7.261Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554WGY 1554W2GY 1554W2GYCL 1554W2GYSL 4 180 180 60 1554WPL 1554FT 1554WGASKET SC576-50 1672Buy Now95Buy Now194Buy Now126Buy Now747Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now5Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554WAGY 1554WA2GY 1554WA2GYCL 1554WA2GYSL 4 180 180 90 1554WPL 1554FT 1554WGASKET SC576-50 119Buy Now7Buy Now285Buy Now227Buy Now747Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now5Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554UGY 1554U2GY 1554U2GYCL 1554U2GYSL 4 200 120 90.5 1554UPL 1554FT 1554UGASKET SC576-50 804$42.633Buy Now1948$46.968Buy Now346$55.251Buy Now250$55.251Buy Now754$13.675Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now6$7.698Buy Now34Buy Now
    1554VGY 1554V2GY 1554V2GYCL 1554V2GYSL 4 240 160 90.5 1554VPL 1554FT 1554VGASKET SC583-50 447$53.225Buy Now585$66.497Buy Now1251$69.613Buy Now109$69.613Buy Now260$17.518Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now10$6.522Buy Now6Buy Now
    1554VALGY 1554VAL2GY 1554VAL2GYCL 1554VAL2GYSL 4 240 160 60 1554VAPL 1554FT 1554VAGASKET SC583-50 222Buy Now392Buy Now48Buy Now339Buy Now372$13.079Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now25$6.508Buy Now6Buy Now
    1554VAGY 1554VA2GY 1554VA2GYCL 1554VA2GYSL 6 240 160 90 1554VAPL 1554FT 1554VAGASKET SC583-50 71$53.237Buy Now1$66.489Buy Now265$69.624Buy Now248$69.624Buy Now372$13.079Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now25$6.508Buy Now6Buy Now
    1554VBGY 1554VB2GY 1554VB2GYCL 1554VB2GYSL 6 240 160 120 1554VAPL 1554FT 1554VAGASKET SC583-50 99$53.237Buy Now13$66.489Buy Now65$69.624Buy Now142$69.624Buy Now372$13.079Buy Now6292$11.435Buy Now25$6.508Buy Now6Buy Now
    1554XGY 1554X2GY 1554X2GYCL 1554X2GYSL 6 299 200 90 1554XPL 1554FT-XY 1554XGASKET SC583-50 20Buy Now132Buy Now286Buy Now116Buy Now317Buy Now55Buy Now27Buy Now6Buy Now
    1554XAGY 1554XA2GY 1554XA2GYCL 1554XA2GYSL 6 299 200 120 1554XPL 1554FT-XY 1554XGASKET SC583-50 200Buy Now280Buy Now82Buy Now153Buy Now317Buy Now55Buy Now27Buy Now6Buy Now
    1554YGY 1554Y2GY 1554Y2GYCL 1554Y2GYSL 6 299 240 95 1554YPL 1554FT-XY 1554YGASKET SC583-50 106Buy Now266Buy Now189Buy Now215Buy Now203Buy Now55Buy Now5Buy Now6Buy Now
    1554YAGY 1554YA2GY 1554YA2GYCL 1554YA2GYSL 6 299 240 120 1554YPL 1554FT-XY 1554YGASKET SC583-50 292Buy Now233Buy Now195Buy Now181Buy Now203Buy Now55Buy Now5Buy Now6Buy Now

    Clear Lids Only

    Part Number Compatible Clear Lid Lid Length (mm) Lid Width (mm) Lid Height (mm)
    1554A, 1555A 1554ACL 52 50 15
    1554B, 1555B 1554BCL 65 65 15
    1554C, 1555C 1554CCL 120 65 15
    1554E, 1555E 1554ECL 90 90 15
    1554EE, 1555EE 1554ECL 90 90 15
    1554F, 1555F 1554FCL 120 90 15
    1554G, 1555G 1554FCL 120 90 15
    1554H, 1555H 1554HCL 180 120 15
    1554HL, 1555HL 1554HCL 180 120 15
    1554T, 1555T 1554HCL 180 120 15
    1554J, 1555J 1554JCL 160 90 15
    1554JL, 1555JL 1554JCL 160 90 15
    1554K, 1555K 1554JCL 160 90 15
    1554L, 1555L 1554LCL 105 105 15
    1554LA, 1555LA 1554LCL 105 105 15
    1554N, 1555N 1554NCL 120 120 15
    1554P, 1555P 1554NCL 120 120 15
    1554Q, 1555Q 1554QCL 140 140 15
    1554QA, 1555QA 1554QCL 140 140 15
    1554R, 1555R 1554RCL 160 160 15
    1554S, 1555S 1554RCL 160 160 15
    1554U, 1555U 1554UCL 200 120 15
    1554V, 1555V 1554VCL 240 160 20
    1554VA, 1555VA 1554VACL 240 160 20
    1554VAL, 1555VAL 1554VACL 240 160 20
    1554VB, 1555VB 1554VACL 240 160 20
    1554W, 1555W 1554WCL 180 180 15
    1554WA, 1555WA 1554WCL 180 180 15
    1554X, 1555X 1554XCL 299 220 20
    1554XA, 1555XA 1554XACL 299 220 50
    1554Y, 1555Y 1554YCL 299 240 25
    1554YA, 1555YA 1554YACL 299 240 50

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    Data subject to change without notice.

    Tags: polycarbonate, UV, outdoor, watertight, IP68, NEMA, NEMA box, PCB, heavy duty, clear lid, clear cover, inner panel, impact resistant