Miniature Audio Potted 101 Series

PC Board Mount


  • Pin type, miniature size, P.C. board mount, net weight of only 0.1 oz.
  • Rugged potted construction produces a completely sealed unit withstanding severe environmental conditions.
  • Secondary may be used as primary and primary as secondary.
  • Power level: Minimum frequency range: 300 Hz. to 100 Khz. +/- 0.5 db @ 100 mw
    • Frequency range @ +10 dbm is 200 Hz. to 100 Khz. +/- 0.5 db
    • Frequency range @ +15 dbm is 200 Hz. to 100 Khz. +/- 0.5 db
    • Frequency range @ +20 dbm is 300 Hz. to 100 Khz. +/- 0.5 db
    • Frequency measurements with no D.C. current saturation.
  • See data sheets for more detailed information.

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Part No. Nominal Impedance Nominal Resistance Useful Impedance Range Quantity Price Buy Now
(Ohms) (Ohms) (Ohms)
Primary Secondary Primary Secondary Pri./Sec. to Pri./Sec.  
101D 300 ct 600 ct 20.4 54 150/300 600/1200 131$30.157Buy Now
101F 600 ct 600 ct 44 52 300/300 1200/1200 1344$30.157Buy Now
101H 1200 ct 600 ct 80 53 600/300 2400/1200 148$30.157Buy Now
101J 2500 ct 600 ct 150 54 1250/300 5000/1200 21$30.157Buy Now
101P 300 ct 50 ct 20.4 4.8 150/25 600/100 16$30.157Buy Now
101R 600 ct 50 ct 44 4.7 300/25 1200/100 18$30.157Buy Now
101V 2500 ct 50 ct 150.7 4.9 1250/25 5000/100 183$30.157Buy Now

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Tags: audio transformer, potted, miniature, PCB mount