Miniature Audio Epoxy Potted 106 Series

PC Board Mount


  • Output power models from 5 to 1,500 milliwatt level available.
  • P.C. board mount - square pin type (0.025" square typical) - see mechanical information below for lengths.
  • Bifilar winding technique used on center tapped units for balanced resistive and capacitive characteristics.
  • Rugged black epoxy potted construction produces a completely sealed unit withstanding severe environmental conditions including those of MIL-T-27 (Grade 5, Class S).
  • For the more economical open type P.C. mount types please refer to the 148 and 149 series.
  • Peak working voltage rating of: 200V
  • Referring to figures 1-9, if connection is not used - no pin will exist.


Part No. Typical Nominal Impedance Max. Primary D.C. Resistance Output Insertion Low Frequency Drawing Quantity Price Buy Now
(Ohms) D.C. ma. (Ohms) +/- 15% Milliwatts Loss Roll Off
Applicaton Primary Secondary (*1) Primary Secondary (*2) db (*3) -1 db (Hz.) (*4) Figure  
106C Input 50000 1,500 ct 0 2400 52 10 1 60 7 7$49.824Buy Now
106E Input 600 ct 600 9 65 83 500 1 150 8 15$43.596Buy Now
106EE Input 600 ct 600 ct 9 65 83 500 1 150 9 2$43.596Buy Now
106G Interstage 4000 600 ct 10 340 24 150 1 215 7 4$43.596Buy Now
106H Interstage 4000 2,600 ct 10 340 100 150 1 215 7 2$43.596Buy Now
106J Interstage 10000 2,000 ct 6.5 700 89 150 1 215 7 1$43.596Buy Now
106M Interstage 20000 2,000 ct 4.5 1180 89 150 1 215 7 1$43.596Buy Now
106Q Output 48 ct 3.2 32 2.4 0.3 1500 1 170 8 65$46.710Buy Now
106R Output 48 ct 8 32 2.4 0.7 1500 1 170 8 14$46.710Buy Now
106S Output 100 ct 3.2 22 4.4 0.3 1500 1 170 8 37$46.710Buy Now
106T Output 100 ct 8 22 4.4 0.7 1500 1 170 8 6$46.710Buy Now
106V Output 250 ct 8 14 11 0.7 1500 1 170 8 5$46.710Buy Now
106W Output 500 ct 3.2 10 26 0.3 1500 1 170 8 18$46.710Buy Now
106X Output 500 ct 8 10 26 0.7 1500 1 170 8 121$46.710Buy Now

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Tags: audio transformer, potted, miniature, PCB mount, epoxy, interstage, input, output, bifilar winding