Universal Single Ended Tube Output 125SE Series



  • Designed for general purpose or replacement use (not Hi-Fi), in single ended, tube output circuits.
  • Frequency response: 100 Hz. - 15 Khz at full rated power (+/- 1db max. - ref. 1 Khz).
  • For full frequency response (20 Hz. to 20 Khz.) - see our 1627-1642 Series.
  • For push-pull output use, see our 125 Series.
  • Open style with minimum 12" long primary & secondary leads.
  • All sizes use butt stacked cores (using 29M6 steel) with an air gap, to reduce D.C. core saturation.
  • Primary impedance range from 2,500 to 10,000 Ohms.
  • Secondary impedance range from 4 to 32 Ohms.


Part No. Audio Power Max. D.C. Bias Weight Dimensions Mounting Hole Quantity Price Buy Now
(Watts) (ma) ( lbs.) A B C D E G
125ASE 3 25 0.5 2.81 1.35 1.69 2.38 - 0.19 54$88.749Buy Now
125BSE 5 45 1.1 3.25 1.63 2.00 2.81 - 0.19 68$93.420Buy Now
125CSE 8 60 1.3 3.69 1.86 2.31 3.13 - 0.19 103$96.534Buy Now
125DSE 10 70 2 4.00 2.10 2.63 3.56 - 0.19 72$105.876Buy Now
125ESE 15 80 3 4.50 2.36 2.94 4.00 - 0.19 70$123.003Buy Now
125FSE 20 90 4.5 3.76 2.52 3.15 3.13 2.25 0.20 x 0.38 45$165.042Buy Now
125GSE 25 100 6 4.15 2.88 3.46 3.45 2.50 0.20 x 0.38 17$199.296Buy Now
Part No. Primary Winding Data Quantity Price Buy Now
Inductance DC Resistance
(Minimum) (+/- 20%)  
125ESE 5.43 H 103 Ohms 70$123.003Buy Now

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Tags: audio transformer, universal, single ended, tube output