Tube Output (10 - 280 Watts) 1608-1650 Series

Push-Pull - HI-FI


  • Please see our NEW & improved versions (easy wire secondary series).
  • Designed for push-pull tube output circuits.
  • Enclosed (shielded), 4 slot, above chassis Type "X" mounting.
  • Frequency response 30 Hz. to 30 Khz. at full rated power (+/- 1 db max. - ref. 1 Khz) minimum.
  • Insulated flexible leads 8" min.
  • Manufactured with plastic coil forms for coil support and insulation.
  • Typical applications - Push-Pull: triode, Ultra-Linear pentode, pentode and tetrode connected audio output.
  • Due to the unique interleaving of the windings BOTH secondary windings must be engaged to meet specifications (see hook-up diagrams below).
  • For the "ultimate" in Push-Pull output see our line of epoxy potted output transformers.

1645 Only

  • Secondary Connections (Due to the unique interleaving of the windings BOTH secondary windings must be engaged to meet specifications)
  • To hook up 4/8/16 ohm secondary loads - see schematic (do not use the white wire).
  • To hook up secondary to 70V loads, jumper Blk/Yel wire to Grn wire. Connect load to Blk and White wires.


Gallery Image

Part No. Audio Primary Maximum Secondary Dimensions Weight Quantity Price Buy Now
Watts Impedance DC Impedance A B C D E G
(RMS) (Ohms) Per Side (Ohms) +/- 1/16" Slot (lbs.)  
1608 10 8,000 ct 100 ma. 4-8-16 2.50 2.75 3.06 2.00 1.69 0.20 x 0.38 2.5 25$165.042Buy Now
1609 10 10,000 ct 100 ma. 4-8-16 2.50 2.75 3.06 2.00 1.69 0.20 x 0.38 2.5 22$165.042Buy Now
1615 15 5,000 ct 100 ma. 4-8-16 2.50 3.25 3.06 2.00 2.19 0.20 x 0.38 3.25 16$183.726Buy Now
1620 20 6,600 ct 158 ma. 4-8-16 2.50 3.50 3.06 2.00 2.44 0.20 x 0.38 3.5 26$202.410Buy Now
1650F 25 7,600 ct 128 ma. 4-8-16 2.50 3.50 3.06 2.00 2.44 0.20 x 0.38 4 15$211.752Buy Now
1645 30 5,000 ct 128 ma. 4-8-16-70V 2.50 3.75 3.06 2.00 2.69 0.20 x 0.38 4.5 10$246.006Buy Now
1650H 40 6,600 ct 200 ma. 4-8-16 3.13 4.00 3.81 2.50 2.69 0.20 x 0.38 6.5 75$246.006Buy Now
1650K 50 3,400 ct 318 ma. 4-8-16 3.13 4.00 3.81 2.50 2.69 0.20 x 0.38 7 11$258.462Buy Now
1650M 60 1,400CT/800CT 318 ma. 4-8-16 3.13 4.19 3.80 2.50 2.94 0.20 x 0.38` 7.5 6Buy Now
1650N 60 4,300 ct 318 ma. 4-8-16 3.13 4.25 3.81 2.50 2.94 0.20 x 0.38 8 14$264.690Buy Now
1650P 60 6,600 ct 200 ma. 4-8-16 3.13 4.25 3.81 2.50 2.94 0.20 x 0.38 8 12$264.690Buy Now
1650R 100 5,000 ct 318 ma. 4-8-16 3.75 4.25 4.56 3.00 3.06 0.20 x 0.38 12 55$295.830Buy Now
1650T 120 1,900 ct 403 ma. 4-8-16 3.75 4.50 4.56 3.00 3.31 0.20 x 0.38 14 34$311.400Buy Now
1650W 280 1,900 ct 806 ma. 4-8-16 4.38 7.50 5.25 3.50 5.88 0.20 x 0.38 28 23$685.080Buy Now

Suggested Tube Types

Part No. Audio Primary Operation Suggested Tube Types Quantity Price Buy Now
Watts Impedance
(R.M.S.) (Ohms)  
1608 10 8,000 ct Push-Pull (2 Tubes) 6AQ5, 6V6, 6BQ5, EL84, SV83 25$165.042Buy Now
1609 10 10,000 ct Push-Pull (2 Tubes) 6AQ5, 6V6, 6BQ5, EL84, SV83 22$165.042Buy Now
1615 15 5,000 ct Push-Pull (2 Tubes) 2A3, 6A3, 6AQ5, 6B4G, 6L6, 6V6 16$183.726Buy Now
1620 20 6,600 ct Push-Pull (2 Tubes) 6AQ5, 6L6, 6V6 26$202.410Buy Now
1650F 25 7,600 ct Push-Pull (2 Tubes) 6L6GC, 6V6, 807, 5881, EL34 15$211.752Buy Now
1645 30 5,000 ct Push-Pull (2 Tubes) 6L6GC, 6V6, 807, 5881, EL34 10$246.006Buy Now
1650H 40 6,600 ct Push-Pull (2 Tubes) 6L6GC, 807, 5881, EL34 75$246.006Buy Now
1650K 50 3,400 ct Push-Pull Par. (4 Tubes) 6L6GC, 807, 5881, EL34, 6146B, 6550B 11$258.462Buy Now
1650N 60 4,300 ct Push-Pull Par. (2 or 4 Tubes) 6L6GC, 807, 5881, EL34, 6146B, 6550B, KT88 14$264.690Buy Now
1650P 60 6,600 ct Push-Pull (2 Tubes) 6L6GC, 807, 5881, EL34, 6146B, 6550B, KT88 12$264.690Buy Now
1650R 100 5,000 ct Push-Pull Par. (2 or 4 Tubes) 807, 5881, EL34, 6146B, 6550B, KT88 55$295.830Buy Now
1650T 120 1,900 ct Push-Pull Par. (4 or 6 Tubes) 6L6GC, 5881, EL34, 6550B, KT88 34$311.400Buy Now
1650W 280 1,900 ct Push-Pull Par. (6 or 8 Tubes) 6L6GC, 5881, EL34, 6550B, KT88 23$685.080Buy Now

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Tags: classic transformer, push-pull, tube output, triode, pentode, tetrode, output circuit