Potted High Voltage (Plate) & Filament - 40 VA to 243 VA 300P Series

Universal Primary & 50/60 Hz Operation


  • A perfect match to our 1650P potted output transformers.
  • Enclosed in a drawn steel case, the transformer is completely potted in epoxy.
  • Mounting hardware included.
  • Primary: Universal - 100, 110, 120, 200, 220, 240 VAC 50/60 Hz.
  • Bias Tap: 50 VAC tap from high voltage secondary C.T.
  • Highpot tested: 2,000 VAC
  • Faraday Copper Primary Shield: Our electrostatic shield reduces the capacitive coupling from the primary - greatly attenuating higher frequency current coupling to the secondaries (shield is internally grounded to the end bell).
  • Windings: Concentric wound for low stray field and low noise
  • Finish: Black powder paint to match our 1650P series of potted output transformers
  • Units can be run full wave bridge or full wave C.T.
  • c UL us recognized (E207860)


Part No. VA A.C. High Voltage Bias Tap with Filament #1 Filament #2 Dimensions Mounting Quantity Price Buy Now
High Voltage C.T.
Grounded Threaded  
Secondary R.M.S. (VAC) (VAC) (VAC) A B C Insert  
369AXP 40 250V C.T. @ 115ma. 50 6.3V C.T. @ 2A - 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 7$492.778Buy Now
370XP 41 480V C.T. @ 46ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 2A 6.3V C.T. @ 1.5A 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 10$503.034Buy Now
369GXP 50 450V C.T. @ 74ma. 50 6.3V C.T. @ 2.5A - 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 6$492.509Buy Now
369JXP 50 500V C.T. @ 69ma. 50 6.3V C.T. @ 2.5A - 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 6$493.086Buy Now
370CAXP 66 500V C.T. @ 81ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 2A 6.3V C.T. @ 2.5A 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 10$499.539Buy Now
370DAXP 76 520V C.T. @ 104ma. 50 6.3V C.T. @ 3.5A - 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 8$496.005Buy Now
370DXP 86 550V C.T. @ 104ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 2A 6.3V C.T. @ 3A 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 11$501.267Buy Now
370EXP 119 550V C.T. @ 144ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 4A 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 11$538.641Buy Now
370FXP 141 550V C.T. @ 173ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 5A 4.25 5.00 5.44 1/4-20 16$692.901Buy Now
370HXP 180 550V C.T. @ 230ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 6A 4.25 5.00 5.44 1/4-20 6$797.572Buy Now
372FXP 150 600V C.T. @ 173ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 5A 4.25 5.00 5.44 1/4-20 1$781.055Buy Now
372HXP 191 600V C.T. @ 230ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 6A 4.25 5.00 5.44 1/4-20 1$796.611Buy Now
372JXP 243 600V C.T. @ 288ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 4A 6.3V C.T. @ 8A 4.25 5.00 5.44 1/4-20 1$883.651Buy Now
372XP 75 620V C.T. @ 81ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 2A 6.3V C.T. @ 2.4A 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 5$504.878Buy Now
376XP 157 640V C.T. @ 173ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 5A 4.25 5.00 5.44 1/4-20 1$778.020Buy Now
373XP 125 700V C.T. @ 127ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 2A 6.3V C.T. @ 4A 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 1$538.296Buy Now
374AXP 136 720V C.T. @ 138ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 3.5A 3.31 3.88 4.25 1/4-20 1$537.796Buy Now
374XP 141 750V C.T. @ 127ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 5A 4.25 5.00 5.44 1/4-20 1$775.793Buy Now
374BXP 200 750V C.T. @ 201ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 6A 4.25 5.00 5.44 1/4-20 5$803.756Buy Now
375XP 171 800V C.T. @ 155ma. 50 5V C.T. @ 3A 6.3V C.T. @ 5A 4.25 5.00 5.44 1/4-20 3$784.666Buy Now

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Tags: classic transformers, potted, high voltage, plate, filament, epoxy, enclosed