Do you have a "classic" idea or application for our products? Let us know & send a few photos if you can - we will be glad to post them here.
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Heathed Cathode - Ricardo Pastor
From Ricardo:
I’m Ricardo Pastor from Spain, I have built a little 3W Stereo Tube Amp for Home As you can see in my web for this project For this purpose I have used:Output transformer (2): 125BSE
Power transformer: 370DAX
Chassis: 1441-16BK3
Andriy Lomako
Just found that you have a gallery with images of the designs done with your products. My PAROVOZ SV811-10 transformer coupled power amplifier may have the largest count of your wound products, they are:
Power Supply
Plate: 714
Plate chokes: 2x 193G
Driver power:270CAX
Driver filter choke: 157J
Bias and safety power: 263AX
Driver heater: 166J6
5AR4 heater: 167N6
Grid bias filter choke: 155C
Total for power supply: Nine wound components
Amplifier Unit
Output: 2x 1629SE
Driver: 2x 126B
SV811-10 heater power: 2x 167N6
Driver 2nd filter choke: 2x 156G
SV811-10 heater rectifier choke: 4x 156B
Total for amplifier: Twelve wound components
Total for design: Twenty One HAMMOND wound components.
Tubes are: 1x 5AR4, 2x 5C4S, 1x SG2S, 2x 6S45P, 2x SV811-10.
I like the sound very much, thank you for staying in this business!
Blair (VE3ZBM)
Single-ended stereo triode amp
Power Transformer: 302AX
Choke: 193J
Output Transformer: 1627SEA
Tubes: (1) RCA 5R4GY, (2) Sylvania 6SL7GT, and (2) 2A3 or 300B
Swampdonkey Engine9 Guitar Amplifier -
Submitted by: Chris Czech
273X plate transformer1645A output transformer
Heathkit Mohawk RX-1
Submitted by: John Treichler, KJ6SAV
272JX used as replacement power transformerGates Executive Audio Console Rebuild
Submitted by: Jerry Whitaker
According to Jerry:
This project is a rebuild of the Gates Executive Stereo Audio Console. Manufactured in the late 1960s through 1970s, the Executive was the largest console of its type offered for sale by Gates Radio, a major broadcast equipment supplier of the time. In order to bring the console back to useful service, it was necessary to remanufacture many of the circuit boards. I selected the Hammond 560 series of broadcast transformers. Two of the new boards (one with a 560C and the other with a 560G) are shown in the attached photo. The main card cage for the console includes 11 of these boards, as shown in an attached photo. I have had very good luck with the 560 series of transformers. They perform very well. I will be using them for other projects going forward.
120W Stereo Amplifier and Power Supply

Amplifier Chassis
Output Transformer: (2) 1650PP
Filament Transformer: 167T6 and 166E36
Power Supply Chassis
Plate Transformer: 720
Filter Choke: 193M
Filament Transformer: 166M2
Both Using Hammond Chassis!
Submitted By: Linda Parker
Coley Audio

25W Mono Block Amplifier
Output Transformer: 1630SEA
Power Transformer: 278X
AND a Hammond Chassis!
Submitted By: Craig J Coley.
Coley Audio

18W Stereo Amplifier
Output Transformer: 1628SEA
Power Transformer: 278CX
Filter Choke: 193J
AND a Hammond Chassis With Walnut Sides!
Submitted By: Craig J Coley.
Kennedy JR-15 Guitar Amplifier

18W Stereo Amplifier
Output Transformer: 1650E
Power Transformer: 270DAX
AND a Hammond Chassis !
Submitted By: John Kennedy
Web Site:
Check out the video on YouTube
40 Watt - Stereo Amplifier
Output Transformers (2):1650HA
Power Transformer: 300BX
Filter Choke: 193L
Filament Transformer: 167Q6
Submitted By:
Jerry Whitaker
Popular military surplus AN/ART-13 and Navy ATC transmitter power supply project.
(This project was published in Electric Radio magazine, issue no. 257)
Power Transformers: 278CX & 272JX
Filter Choke: 193L
Filament Transformer: 167U20 or 165V22
Submitted By:
Doran "Jeep" Platt, K3HVG
Modified: 1930 - 1940 Bell & Howell Filmosound Movie Projector Amplifier
In a blimp case (with a touch of steampunk)
Power Transformer: 302AX
Submitted By:
Darren - Ten Cigars Guitar Co.
Homebrew 6L6 Transmitter & Power Supply
Power Transformer: 273BX
Filter Choke: 159P
Hammond Chassis too!
Submitted By:
Terry - K5ZBY
National HRO-50T1 Receiver
Power Transformer: 270HX
Audio Push-Pull Output: 1609
Submitted By:
Steve - KJ8CQ
Dentron Clipperton-L Amplifier
Filament Transformer: 166J6
Submitted By:
Ray - W2XC
Link to: Hum Elimination Modification